Note: All the characters in this story are over the

Note: All the characters in this story are over the age of 18. I didn’t invent x-change or the concept of it. I’m just a fan of the gifs online. Check them out sometime. There are many other stories with x-change on as well. Give those writers some love. This story does not represent any real people or groups. Any errors or omissions are my own. This is a fantasy. It involves a seemingly “magical” transformation. Please look at the story tags. If it’s not your cup of tea you might not want to proceed. Enjoy.


It’s easy to look back at how strange and even stupid things were during the lockdown. Every day I checked the News online and it was the same. Yeah, there were little variances. One story spoke of our doom and the other of our newfound hope. Pick your poison was the old adage. I suppose that still works. It wasn’t so bad when I was still working. It sucked. Make no mistake. Being deemed an “essential worker” could be looked at as a win. We were still getting paid when so many were not, and people kept telling me that I would miss going to work every day. I would miss constantly wearing a mask that people tell you to wear with one side of their mouth and then tell you that it doesn’t really protect you with the other side. Would you miss washing your hands constantly even though you’re wearing gloves? Now, some might say “Well that’s what you need to do to stay safe”. Fair point, at least according to the current consensus.

I could tell you about the companies already floating the idea that their essentials workers could remain at work even if they were infected, but my experience came to an end when my roommate made the wrong joke about being sick in front of some customers driven by panic and paranoia. He went from being an essential worker to a possibly infections pariah. I was his close coworker and roommate so I was fair game as well. Dale, my roommate was fired on the spot and I was suspended, which basically means I’d be fired later. County health officials and local authorities moved in on us and Dale and I were housebound pending further review.

The News and the internet were all I had then. I told the people in charge that Dale was an idiot and that I understood the gravity of the situation that our country was in. Dale and I were in our early twenties. Not exactly the kind of people that worry about a disease that isn’t sexually transmitted. I apologized to the greatest of my ability, and meant every word of it.

The sheriff’s deputy sighed. “I believe you, Joe,” he said. “I really do, but this is the situation that you’re in now. I want you boys to take this time to improve upon yourselves. Your buddy Dale fucked up, but you still might have a job. Even if you don’t you need to emerge from this better than you currently are.”

The sheriff’s deputy was a good man. I’m sure of it, but he left us there with warnings that we’d be watched and that the penalties for violating our quarantine would be severe. Doctors would be checking in on us and our families would be notified to help us with food and supplies. This was all happening in America. I couldn’t believe it.

I was left alone with Dale.

When I took my eyes away from my computer, I saw Dale yelling at his video game again. “Fuck you, Bethesda,” he yelled. For someone who liked to proudly proclaim that he was a gamer, Dale spent a great deal of time cursing that which he loved.

I said, “If you keep yelling the neighbors are going to report us. Some cities are offering cash rewards for turning in people violating the lockdown or any other suspicious activity.”

“That’s pretty fucked up, man. I’m not suspicious.”

Dale smiled. Good looking teeth if slightly crooked. His parents spent a fortune on braces only to have him slip and smack his face on a curb in high school. The reconstruction kind of worked. That was how Dale was in general. Dale had been groomed by his parents to be a baseball player since the very first day he played little league. He didn’t quite suck as bad as the rest of us who were forced out there by our over eager parents. Yeah, I was out there on the same field that he was, but my parents made me do it because that’s something that boys do. I was expected to go to college and make something out of myself. Yet I was still with Dale, whose parents had planned his life, a career that never happened, and even had ideas on when he would retire and possibly become a local sportscaster on the News. Things were going well until we discovered chronic in school.

Plenty of people in the modern-day smoke plenty of weed and go about their days with good lives and rewarding careers. That’s all true. But there was just this “stoner” mindset that affected some of us in middle and high school. It was worse for Dale. In organized athletics they hold those students to the kind of standards that the adults running it don’t hold themselves to. I know this because I met all of those dammed people during my brief attempt at making teaching my career. Poor Dale didn’t have a chance.

My roommate finally powered down his Xbox. “I need a burrito,” he said. “We need to get some stuff delivered.”

“That’s starting to cost some real money.”

“I need to eat, man. Porn is getting boring now. The food is all I have left. Besides the video games.”

“And that’s going so well.”

Dale scoffed and went back to his room. His old high school baseball t-shirt stretched out from the chubbiness that he’d been building up over the last few years. I still thought that he was a good looking dude. His hair was getting long now that there was no way for any of us to get a hair cut.

Damn, I thought. We’d been cooped up too long. Dale was right. The normal porn that we consumed was getting boring. My mind and cravings were moving on to what was different. I was actually looking at him in other ways now. I never thought that internet porn would fail to sustain us. I suppose that all of it makes sense if you look back far enough at our relationship. Most people are not that complicated or quick to change. The wheels of your life turn the way that they do for a reason.

Several more days went by. Our country and the rest of the world consumed themselves in doom and fear. We kept in touch with our families and some friends. Yet even that only helped so much. We needed to get off. It wasn’t as if Dale or myself had much game. In fact: most people probably considered us to be awkward losers. Being trapped in our home wasn’t doing anything to solve that. That was when Dale did something that changed our lives. He’d been on an online ordering tear: food, things for the house, even boozewhich I didn’t think you could just order off the internet.

“I’m going to make this up to you,” he said. “It’s my fault that we’re here and neither of us is sick, so it’s stupid and it sucks.”

“Can’t argue there. I appreciate you trying, dude, but what can we do? We’re trapped in lockdown with everyone else. Worse in our case.”

“I know that, Joey. It’s just that you’ve always been there for me, and I want to make us square again. Tonight, we’ll have a good dinner and then I’ll show you.”

Suspicious or not I didn’t have anything better to do, so I agreed. Dale ordered some Thai food on his phone. My drunken noodles with chicken, heat level 4, were amazing. Three cans of good IPA over the course of the meal left me feeling great. I knew that things were getting serious when Dale busted out the whiskey. That was a little more than I normally did, but if people offered it…

“I think I’m going to need this for the next part,” said Dale. “With all this shit going on in the world and with us, I thought that we should take some time.”

He poured the whiskey into two glasses he inherited from his grandfather. They were the kind of glasses with the little bubbles and imperfections in them. We each took up a glass and toasted the world in lockdown. The whiskey itself was some smokey monstrosity that was frightening at first, but grew on you after a while. Dale made us drink another and then finally he was ready to share with me.

He said, “I know that you must be as horny as I am, right?”

“Maybe that’s true, but this is already getting pretty awkward, dude. Can’t we just Netflix and chill?”

“Trust me, Joey. Check this out.”

Dale reached into the pocket of his sweat pants and took out a purple blister pack with a pill inside. At first my mind went to drugs, and I wondered if he wanted us to drop some mollies and prance around our house like idiots, but when I studied the pill, I recognized it. I’d been around the internet for a long time, and had read the stories.

I had to confirm. “What is that?”

“An x-change pill,” said Dale. “I’m sure you’ve heard of them.”

“Assuming they’re real. Yeah. They’re supposed to be pink, right?”

“Yeah. I got a different one. It was part of a promotion.”

“So, what’re you thinking, Dale?”

“I want to have some fun. The pill changes a person, so it’s not like we’re really doing anything.”

“Not sure I see the logic there.”

“Come on, Joey. We need something to take our minds of this shit.”

Before I could say anything else, Dale punched the pill out of the blister pack an popped it into his mouth. I sat there with my mouth open. Dale stood up from the table and tugged at his clothes expectantly, but then he looked shocked that nothing was happening.

“I hope you didn’t spend too much on that,” I said. “Most people think that those pills are complete bullshit.”

Dale was offended and was about to say something in his defense when he suddenly clutched at himself in pain. “I don’t feel…”

Unlike the accounts that I’d read online Dale didn’t shrink too much in front of me. The awkwardness of a chubby guy gave way to luscious feminine curves. His shoulders rounded and his hips flared. Dale’s ass swelled to become a magnificent beast of plumpness. Several days of beard turned to dust and fell from his face that itself reshaped into a pleasing female one with plump lips. Only his hair remained mostly the same.

“It is working?” he asked, then he realized how feminine her voice was. Not a moment later two great plump mounds sprouted beneath his worn t-shirt. We both watched in amazement at how large they got. Ultimately settling on size that left each breast almost too big for my large hands. Finally, Dale, in her new form seemed to have stabilized.

“Holy shit,” I said. I was numbstanding there, staring at the new her still contained within my roommate’s slacker outfit.

“You’re telling me? How do you think it felt to change like this? It was some freaky shit.”

I was still talking to my friend Dale, but he was different. It was strange and I didn’t feel comfortable. How was I supposed to feel about her? The new Dale walked over to me. I felt the heat radiating off of her. When she was close enough, I realized that she even smelled different. We were still about the same height. She still had Dale’s bright green eyes and thick black hair. Her smile was something newsomething that I didn’t ever want to go away.

“So, Joey,” she said. “What do you think? Do I look good? The brochure that came with the pill said that a person’s body kind of decides on its own what to look like.” She took hold of me. Pushing all her heat and softness against me. Her face was right up against mine. “Tell me,” she said.

I kissed her. A quick little peck on the lips. Her eyes widened a little, and then she kissed me back.

“See?” she said. “There’s nothing wrong with this. It feels good.”

I put my arms around her. That odd little feeling in my guts was there. The feeling you used to get when you knew that you were doing something that was wrong, but it was something that you enjoyed. I couldn’t resist. My hands felt up along Dale’s old t-shirt to feel at her generous new breasts. Firm and plump like forbidden fruit. After only a little bit of play I was desperate to see them. Dale raised her arms, and I pulled her shirt up and over her head to finally reveal her gorgeous tits. The skin of them was hot to my touch. My hands felt them for all they were worth. Her skin was the color of buttercream with dark nipples that asked me to play with them. Farther down her body Dale had the cutest little round tummy. I couldn’t help but to brush over it with my thumb.

“I get it,” she said. “You like me this way.”

Dale could see how hard my cock was growing in my sweat shorts.

She said, “Yeah, you definitely do. Take your clothes off.”

“Yes,” I said without thinking. I pulled my shirt and shorts off and tossed them away. They crashed into a pile of takeout food containers that Dale kept insisting that he would recycle if not for the lockdown. The mess didn’t interest me when my cock was ready to go. I peeled off my boxers and cast them aside.

Dale pulled the sweatpants down her legs. They were actually harder to pull off with her generous bottom. When they were in a puddle on the floor, her fingers dug deep into the top of her boxers. Dale had a penchant for very thick flannel boxers. Maybe that distracted me from noticing what was to come next. Dale pulled down her boxers to show me that while the form of her body was mostly female, there was a hairless cock and balls between her legs. It stared up at me: a semi-erect red flag.

“Oh,” I said. “The internet said that x-change made a guy into a girl.”

“This was a different one. You’re talking about the original pink pill. The purple one is the trans pill. I…felt nervous about losing my cock. Even if it’s only for twelves hours. You understand, right?”

I nodded.

“You’re sure that this is okay?”

I embraced her again, and found her lips with mine. I moved my hand to her growing cock and teased at it long enough to get covered in her precum. That was all the answer that she needed. Dale took my hand and led me back to her bedroom. I noticed that she’d put a towel on the bed and a bottle of baby oil was on the nightstand. Dale normally used this to comb oil into his hair. Obviously, it had been a handy choice for our new plans.

She kissed me again. “I’ve thought about this for a while,” she said. “I really want this, Joey.”

We kissed for a while longer. By then both of our cocks were rigid and aching. Our hands pumped on each other’s sex. Not wanting to make either of us cum too soon.

Dale then lied atop the towel and brought her knees up, splaying herself out for me to see and to access. I’d first learned about anal from Dale, who claimed that a girlfriend of his only allowed butt-stuff, so henow she was experienced on the other end. I took the bottle of baby oil and squeezed some into my handcareful not to let it run everywhere. I tried to ignore the odd odor that the oil had. My lubed fingers sought out her hot asshole, and worked into it. The heat coming from inside her was inviting.

Dale began panting as I fingered her ass. She told me that the preparation had to be done right or it really hurt. I did everything that she told me to do. No questions asked. When she finally told me that she was ready, I was shaking with the anticipation of being inside of her.

After smearing some of the oil onto my cock, I carefully pushed it past her tight ring and into the depths of her ass. Dale breathed in as I entered herstill getting used to the intrusion. It must’ve been something else for Dale to be on the receiving end this time. She held her legs up with her hands under her thighs as we began to fuck. I forced myself to go slow. I didn’t want to hurt her but I wanted to savor every previous moment of my cock going in and out of her new “pussy”.

Meanwhile, as I fucked her, Dale’s own cock was at full attention and red with urgency. I turned my lubed hand thumb-side down and began to give her a good backstroke. It was something that I loved doing to my own cock, and after only a few moments she was crying out from my manipulations. Her heavy balls swelled and glistened from a mix of oil and precum flowed down from where I was jerking her off.

“More,” she panted. “More. Please, Joey.”

As out bodies rocked my eyes became entranced by her big tits rocking up and down like big soft hills trembling at the end of the world. My free hand had to move up to take hold of one of those pale fleshy mountains.

We kept goinglocked in our bliss, but we could only last for so long. The both of us hadn’t had sex in a while and we struggled to forestall our orgasms. Dale tensed first. She shook as her cock began shooting jets of hot cum into my hand and then all over the both of us. I wiped the excess of her seed onto my stomach and kept fucking her bubble butt with abandon. It wasn’t much longer until I felt my own cock reach the limit. The seal was broken and I pumped all of my cum deep into her receptive ass. I collapsed atop of her. We were both spent. Her cum was drying all over us, and after I pulled my softening cock from her ass my own cum began to leak out of her still gaping asshole. After a moment of rest, I pulled away and stood up from the bed, so Dale could get her legs down to rest.

There were no words for a while. I wasn’t sure if either of us really knew what to say. So much of our existence had been defined by what we couldn’t do an where we couldn’t go. The authorities had the nerve to wonder why people don’t like being confined to their homes. Those thoughts were gone. The little purple pill that Dale had brought into our lives had given us a flare of joy in a sea of malaise.

“So,” said Dale, sitting up from the bed. “I liked what we did. Did you?”

“Yeah. I loved it.” I looked at her. She was still flushed and glowing from our lovemaking. “Dale…are we?”

“Still friends? Yeah, bro. Don’t worry. Twelve hours from now and I’ll be back to my old self.” She gripped my inner thigh. “But we still have some time. Not like we can go anywhere.”

“Can you get more of those pills?” I asked. “We don’t know how long this lockdown will last.”

“Way ahead of you, dude. I’m a registered customer on the website.”

“I take it the people over there are essential workers.”

“Absolutely. I wish I worked for that company. Since I’m buying, what do you say that next time you take the pill? Maybe one of the pink ones if you want.”

I thought it over. “Maybe. We’ll see how long this lasts. One thing though: when you’re like this can you use a different name than ‘Dale’?”

She laughed. “Yeah, I was thinking about that. I think I’ll be ‘Deb’ when I’m like this.”

“Wasn’t that the name of your girlfriend? The one that liked anal?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Nothing. Sounds great. Maybe being trapped inside our house won’t be such a bad thing.”


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X-change: Lockdown

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